play x: Play something (music/game/movie/etc.) with a #playback_speed of 1. Take present users and their preferences into account if possible, but if not, play everything available. show x: Show a still, silent representation of the current item (music/game/movie/text/etc.) without actually playing it. next x: Move to the next item (track/game/movie/etc.) in the given collection. previous x: Opposite of next. fast forward x: Double #playback_speed of the current item (music/game/movie/etc.) rewind x: Like fast forward x, but with a negative value. pause x: Like fast forward x, but with a zero value. delete x: Remove the current specified item (music/game/movie/etc.) from its collection. list x: List the items in the given collection (music/games/movies/etc.) create x: Create something (audio/game/movie/text/etc.) and add it to the appropriate collection. Not sure if it should be automatically opened in an editor or if an explicit edit x command should be issued. edit x: Edit the current specified item (music/game/movie/etc.)