Jay McGavren's Journal


Great… The heartburn is kicking in again.

I’m not really stressed, just a bit depressed. Wasn’t I blogging something along these lines last fall? I need to go back and read.


Okay, I think I’m seeing a pattern here…


I've got that burning, aching melancholy again. It's like the calm before a storm. It's not even about the baby... I think this happens to me every fall.


My heartburn's starting again. I know it's not triggered by weight, because I just came off a diet. Must be stress, then (and I have no shortage of that).


Ah, that's why I've been in such a blue mood lately! I forgot to listen to The Campfire Headphase for, like, a whole month!

Clearly, I need to just spend the months of August and September in bed from now on.

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