Fixtures bad: Get highly unmanageable, especially when someone decides to import real data (:user_275, :user_276...) Live outside test. Can't change loaded values easily. Factories good: Let you use sensible labels and tweak the created data. They reduce dependence on external data (manipulate values right in the test). FactoryGirl: spec/factories/first_model.rb second_model.rb... Code: Factory.define :user {|f| 'Joe'; '34279'; f.association :employer} Factory(:user).should be_valid Factory(:user, :name => nil).should_not be_valid .association calls another factory (that you define) to generate associated model object. Object Daddy: spec/exemplars/*_exemplar.rb Code: class User generator_for :name => 'Test User' generator_for :ssn, :start => '12343214' do {|prev| prev.succ} end @user = User.generate! @user.should be_valid [Barnes likes ObjectDaddy. I don't 'cause of modificat Others: machinist foundry fixjour