Looks like I’ll be talking on using Ruby on Acid for audio at a meetup in San Francisco during RubyConf. So, time to make sure it can actually do audio. :)
This would probably horrify anyone with audio programming experience, but: I just write a bunch of bytes ranging 0-255 to a file, then import into audacity as raw 8-bit PCM data.
require 'rubygems'
require 'rubyonacid/factories/meta'
require 'rubyonacid/factories/constant'
require 'rubyonacid/factories/flash'
require 'rubyonacid/factories/loop'
require 'rubyonacid/factories/modulo'
require 'rubyonacid/factories/random'
require 'rubyonacid/factories/repeat'
require 'rubyonacid/factories/sine'
require 'rubyonacid/factories/skip'
def generate_factories
random_factory = RubyOnAcid::RandomFactory.new
factory_pool = []
#Loop factories loop from 0.0 to 1.0 (or 1.0 to 0.0 if the increment value is negative).
factory_pool << RubyOnAcid::LoopFactory.new(random_factory.within(:increment, -0.01, 0.01))
#Constant factories always return the same value,
factory_pool << RubyOnAcid::ConstantFactory.new(rand)
factory_pool << RubyOnAcid::ConstantFactory.new(rand)
factory_pool << RubyOnAcid::FlashFactory.new(rand(100))
#Sine factories produce a "wave" pattern.
factory_pool << RubyOnAcid::SineFactory.new(random_factory.within(:increment, -0.01, 0.01))
factory_pool << RubyOnAcid::RepeatFactory.new(
RubyOnAcid::LoopFactory.new(random_factory.within(:increment, -0.1, 0.1)),
random_factory.within(:interval, 2, 100)
factory_pool << RubyOnAcid::RepeatFactory.new(
RubyOnAcid::SineFactory.new(random_factory.within(:increment, -0.1, 0.1)),
random_factory.within(:interval, 2, 100)
factory_pool << RubyOnAcid::ModuloFactory.new(RubyOnAcid::LoopFactory.new(0.00001))
#A skip factory, in charge of randomly resetting the meta factory.
@resetter = RubyOnAcid::SkipFactory.new(0.99995)
factory = RubyOnAcid::MetaFactory.new
factory.factory_pool = generate_factories
File.open("raw_audio.dat", "w") do |file|
loop do
channel_count = factory.within(:chanel_count, 0, 3).to_i
channel_count.times do |i|
file.putc factory.within(i, 0, 255).to_i
if @resetter.boolean(:reset)
factory.factory_pool = generate_factories
The result is a tour of every sound ever emitted by an Atari 2600:
I also have a MIDI experiment going. Neither is spectacular, but the nice part is that the programs needn’t change; I just need better generators.