I love VMs.
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class Bitch
def love(person)
puts person
bitches = [Bitch.new, Bitch.new, Bitch.new]
me = Object.new
me.instance_eval {def rock; 'the projects'; end}
bitches.each do |bitch|
bitch.love(me) if me.respond_to? :rock
Don't blame me, blame @bm5k.
a,b,c,d,e=" bottles of beer","on the wall"," Take 1 down pass it around ",a+b,d+c;(1..99).map{|i|"#{i}"+d+" #{i}"+e+"#{i-1}"+d} #songsincode
Resulted in:
99 bottles of beeron the wall 99 bottles of beeron the wall Take 1 down pass it around 98 bottles of beeron the wall
99 bottles of beeron the wall 99 bottles of beeron the wall Take 1 down pass it around 98 bottles of beeron the wall
98 bottles of beeron the wall 98 bottles of beeron the wall Take 1 down pass it around 97 bottles of beeron the wall
Which resulted in:
Read more...#songsincode #songsintests
In response to a Twitter meme… Sarah McLachlan’s “Ice Cream”.
require 'test/unit'
class TestYou < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_you
you = Object.new
ice_cream = Object.new
assert you.love > ice_cream
anything_else = Object.new
assert you.love > anything_else
here = ['a', 'b']
here.each {|body| assert_respond_to(body, :fight)}