Jay McGavren's Journal


Zyps at MofoCamp

Zyps was one of two chosen topics for Mofocamp last night. I wasn’t really expecting that, so I was totally unprepared, but we piled into one of the breakout rooms and started hacking away.

I said Zyps was ideally suited for simulations or shooter-type games, and someone raised the idea of an Asteroids clone. I said not only could it be done, but half the code was written already (ExplodeAction, WrapAround, ShootAction, etc.). The only uncertain area was keyboard input (and 10 minutes of wxRuby research took care of that).

It was definitely not my cleanest work ever; we copied the entire Zyps repo since the last gem is so old, and ripped the entire contents of bin/zyps as a basis. I didn’t realize it was loading an empty environment from a YAML file, so when I wasn’t answering questions I was trying to figure out why the Asteroid and Ship objects (coded by Andrew Bowerman and Roy VandeWater) I was dropping in were mysteriously disappearing.

Thanks in part to that, we were 40 minutes late for presentation time (which was OK because the Processing team left without presenting), but we finally had a working demo. Lots more to be done, but not bad for two and a half hour’s work.

Code (in “zyps” subdir)




is.gd at command line...

Saved this on my PATH as shrink_url…

curl "http://is.gd/api.php?longurl=$(echo $@ | sed 's/ /+/g')"

Which lets me do this:

$ shrink_url http://current.com/items/90029658_death-star-destroys-enterprise.htm

Pipe to clipboard and you’re ready to paste into a browser. I suppose I could also enclose the result in a $() call to my favorite command line Twitter client, but I’m not feeling that fancy yet.

$ shrink_url http://current.com/items/90029658_death-star-destroys-enterprise.htm | cb
$ cb


Yet more XBox Live avatar fun...

On this page, Microsoft actually encourages linking to their cache of your avatar image. These actually update as you change your avatar, too.

So here’s a group shot of me and my friends, as we appear on Live currently, apparently with a strong wind blowing from the left…


Notes from Anil Jain (Slipstream Labs) - The Harsh Realities of Entrepeneurship

Anil Jain of Slipstream Labs came to Gangplank today for a brown bag talk. Here are my notes:

Ideas are a dime a dozen - it's ability to execute that's key.
People matter most.
        They are root cause of failure (or success).
        Motivators vary, weaknesses vary.
        Be careful who you choose to collaborate with!
        Misconstrued expectations are a key danger.
Risk is inherent in every decision you make.
        Ask questions of others who've done it before
        Don't rush into anything.
        What are tradeoffs in a decision?  Write down pros and cons.
Failure is necessary.
        Learning the hard way helps future decisions.

        "It ought to be remembered that there is nothing more difficult to take
        in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success,
        than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things.
        Because the innovator has for enemies all those who have done well
        under the old conditions, and lukewarm defenders in those who may do
        well under the new. This coolness arises partly from fear of the
        opponents, who have the laws on their side, and partly from the
        incredulity of men, who do not readily believe in new things until they
        have had a long experience of them."

Important abilities:
        Healthy tolerance for ambiguity.
                Change is constant, especially if you're the one bringing it
        Foster belief.
                Get others on board with your idea.
                        Employees, attorneys, the media, and more.
                        It's the difference between having people help you and
                        facing closed doors.
                        If you don't believe in the idea yourself (if you're in
                        it for the money), you won't convince anyone.
                Conviction is not Arrogance.
                        Entrepreneurs need a certain amount of stubbornness,
                        but if you don't respond to outside feedback, you'll
                        fail in real-world conditions.
Glamour is fleeting.
        The initial excitement wears off quickly.
        You need perseverance to last through the hard/painful parts.
        Even if people tell you, you won't understand HOW hard it is till you
        do it.

Kurt Vonnegut:
        "I want to stand as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out
        on the edge you see all the kinds of things you can't see from the

Drama is inevitable.
        The future is ambiguous.
        People are illogical and unpredictable.
        Drama is the result - be prepared.
                A founder was expressing doubt to investors behind the backs of
                rest of board.  Rest of board didn't know why investments
                started slowing, and when they found out they had to work to
                restore faith.
Your personal life:
        At some point in time, your family/friends will NOT understand what
        you're doing.
        Supportive or no, they will eventually question your plan.
                Especially when doubt is introduced by money shortages,
                partners leaving, etc.
        It's not their fault - you need to keep the faith and get them back on
        Work/life balance is a myth.
                The two cannot be separated for an entrepreneur.
                Being an entrepreneur is a life choice.
                        You'll be checking your Blackberry while changing
                The list of things to do will grow just as fast as you complete
                items (or faster).
There is always work to do.
        If you're asking yourself "what do I do now?", you're missing
        Tasks you can always do more of:
                Analyze competitors.
                Seek more funding.
        If you don't want to be involved with this business the rest of your
        life, either don't start it, or have an exit strategy.
There is no formula.
        Anyone trying to sell you one is lying or delusional.
        Instead, rely on common sense.
        Learn lessons from others, but don't copy verbatim.
                You should not necessarily do everything Michael Dell
                did (but feel free to borrow some ideas).
        How much do I need?
                What resources do I need and how much will they cost?
        What types and sources should I seek?
        What am I willing to do to get it?
        Customer funded development:
                Give a customer a good deal, with contract that you keep
                ownership of developed product (or portions thereof).
Professionalism matters.
        It's good to be scrappy and get things done on a shoestring.
                But you have to be professional.
        Maintain standards of quality:
                In product.
                In communications.
                        With customers.
                        With vendors.
                        With investors.
Instinct alone is dangerous.
        Be aware of what your gut is telling you - we are animals that run on
        instinct.  But it should only be part of decision making process.
        You may miss feedback that shows reality of situation.
Partnering is a double-edged sword.
        Gives you access to partner's contacts, skilled workers, etc.
        But you give up control, more communication overhead, etc.
If any company has right of first refusal on your business, no other company
will invest in the research needed to buy you.
        If other company decides they like you, company with first refusal
        would just buy you.
Open source software may not be for you.
        Unless your chief goal is philanthropy...
        Capitalism is good, understand it.
        You've invested time, money, and research on a product.
                You and your shareholders should get a return on your
        What is the objective benefit to us?
        What are we in business for, and does this deal fulfill those goals?
Simple microeconomics principles provide guideposts.
        Opportunity cost
        Price the market will support
        Value proposition to potential customers
Greed kills.
        It leads to bad decisions.
        Asking too much.
        Not offering enough in return:
                To investors.
                To customers.
Know what you know.
        Know your strengths.
                Helps you sell to investors, customers.
        Know your weaknesses.
                Get partners who are stronger in those areas.
In a strong wind, even turkeys can fly.
        Any company can succeed when economy is strong.
        Almost any partner is good enough when cash flow is good.
                More skills and dedication are needed when you encounter
        Hire slowly, fire fast.
Hiring - Past success not indicator of future potential.
        Partners that worked well in prior jobs may not work well with
        your company.
                Do they believe in your product?
                Will they work well with your investors and partners?
A customer in the hand is worth a thousand in the plan.
        Attractive to investors.
        Shows proof of what you're selling.


Me with Jason Seifer and Greg Pollack (The RailsEnvy guys) after their talk at RailsConf Thursday.


If you’re a Rails developer and haven’t been listening to their podcast, you need to start!