Street Fighter IV is a rock solid game, but I’m having a hard time staying interested. Part of it is a lack of parries, part of it is my taste in games maturing, and, well, part of it is that I’m getting old.
Read more...I'd make the worst disaster movie writer ever...
I dreamt I was back in Omaha, driving around downtown Benson, when a thick fog began slowly tumbling over the street. I pulled over and got out of my car to wait it out. That was when rocks began bouncing down the hill - approaching at roughly 100 miles an hour. I wasn’t particularly freaked out at this point, I just picked one of the larger ones up and blocked a few as they approached.
Then as they approached boulder size, I sought refuge behind a tree, and then inside a house. As the deluge passed, I was trying to figure out how I’d report to my Mom that I was okay, and then realized she was there in the house with me, doing laundry. (She was borrowing their washer.) I told her to stay put and went out to find my brothers.
Still no idea if this was supposed to be a volcano, or a meteor strike, or what.
Read more...Aftermath...
iamruinous: Crappy morning. Office broken into, computers stolen, lame. :-( 8:05 AM yesterday from txtRead more...
This picture really needs surrounding text to complete the look, so...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Fusce ut lorem id arcu faucibus porta. Integer imperdiet nunc ut dui. Nam a purus. Ut scelerisque porttitor velit. Aenean sapien purus, porttitor non, vulputate eget, consequat sed, lorem. Sed molestie mauris eget libero. Integer aliquam magna sed dolor. Integer sem felis, egestas at, tempor quis, tincidunt at, velit. Cras neque. Quisque sed augue. Sed consectetuer posuere turpis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Proin tellus. Sed eget metus. Donec sapien justo, varius at, adipiscing quis, euismod sed, orci. Quisque vel pede non dui adipiscing ullamcorper. Nulla facilisi. Fusce sapien.
Ut nisi leo, vestibulum nec, fringilla vitae, feugiat at, lectus. Donec fringilla pretium orci. Fusce pharetra facilisis odio. Donec eget elit. Nulla eget libero ac lectus mollis feugiat. Phasellus tincidunt orci at elit. Maecenas non ipsum. Sed fringilla. Donec ac pede. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Phasellus ac nibh. Pellentesque non dolor. Photo by me, cropping by Diana.
Read more...A quick Flay task for Rake...
The only other one I saw posted missed parts of the specified subfolders. So here goes:
require 'flay'
desc "Run duplicate code analyzer"
task :flay do
output = `flay #{FileList["lib/**/*.rb", "app/**/*.rb"].join(' ')}`
fail "Error #{$?}: #{output}" unless $? == 0
puts output
rescue LoadError => exception
warn "Could not load flay - it might not be installed."