Puerto Penasco/Rocky Point was fun, if not exactly my cup of tea… This was my first time to Mexico, so we weren’t exactly seasoned travelers, but we got by and actually had a good time.
Read more...SVG On Acid...
Everything so far has relied on some tricky-to-install GUI gem… Working in SVG lets Ruby On Acid make pretty graphics (viewable in any modern browser) by outputting plain text.
Here’s a few samples. I’m sure I could produce more consistently pretty results with more SVG expertise, but that’s something I’ll have to play with another time.
Read more...A computer can mimic the style of a classical composer by analyzing sheet music. I bet GUIs could be (partially) generated for command-line tools. You just analyze how people mapped a CLI tool’s functions to a GUI wrapper (say, Git vs. GitX), then apply the rules you learn to other CLI tools.
Read more...RubyConf in 22 Minutes video just posted by @greggpollack, featuring my handsome mug! I give the elevator pitch version of our Jemini talk.
Read more...Processing on Acid...
Got Ruby-Processing working with external libraries, so I can finally try it out with Ruby On Acid! My problem was that I couldn’t (or didn’t know how to) set the ruby load path with ruby-processing’s included “rp5” tool. But on Marc Chung’s advice, I tried loading it into vanilla JRuby (had to do a small hack, but it worked). From there I was able to set $RUBYLIB, include it from a gem, whatever.
It’s fast, too, at least compared to wxRuby on MRI 1.8.7. My dual-core MacBook can draw 3000 shapes a second without breaking a sweat.
OK, so here’s how to try it out yourself:
Save to acid_sketch.rb:
require 'rubygems'
require 'ruby-processing'
require 'rubyonacid/factories/meta'
require 'rubyonacid/factories/combination'
require 'rubyonacid/factories/constant'
require 'rubyonacid/factories/flash'
require 'rubyonacid/factories/loop'
require 'rubyonacid/factories/random'
require 'rubyonacid/factories/repeat'
require 'rubyonacid/factories/sine'
require 'rubyonacid/factories/skip'
class Sketch < Processing::App
def setup
@f = create_factory
@resetter = RubyOnAcid::SkipFactory.new(0.9999)
background 0
ellipse_mode CENTER
rect_mode CENTER
def draw
10.times do
@f.get(:red, :max => 255),
@f.get(:green, :max => 255),
@f.get(:blue, :max => 255),
@f.get(:alpha, :max => 255)
@f.get(:x, :max => width),
@f.get(:y, :max => height),
@f.get(:width, :max => 100),
@f.get(:height, :max => 100)
@f.reset_assignments if @resetter.boolean(:reset)
def create_factory
random_factory = RubyOnAcid::RandomFactory.new
source_factories = []
#Loop factories loop from 0.0 to 1.0 (or 1.0 to 0.0 if the increment value is negative).
source_factories << RubyOnAcid::LoopFactory.new(0.01)
source_factories << RubyOnAcid::LoopFactory.new(-0.01)
source_factories << RubyOnAcid::LoopFactory.new(0.001)
source_factories << RubyOnAcid::LoopFactory.new(-0.001)
#Constant factories always return the same value,
source_factories << RubyOnAcid::ConstantFactory.new(rand)
source_factories << RubyOnAcid::ConstantFactory.new(rand)
source_factories << RubyOnAcid::FlashFactory.new(rand(100))
#Sine factories produce a "wave" pattern.
source_factories << RubyOnAcid::SineFactory.new(0.1)
source_factories << RubyOnAcid::SineFactory.new(-0.1)
source_factories << RubyOnAcid::SineFactory.new(0.01)
source_factories << RubyOnAcid::SineFactory.new(-0.01)
#A RepeatFactory wraps another factory, queries it, and repeats the same value a certain number of times.
source_factories << RubyOnAcid::RepeatFactory.new(
RubyOnAcid::LoopFactory.new(random_factory.within(:increment, -0.1, 0.1)),
random_factory.get(:interval, :min => 2, :max => 100)
source_factories << RubyOnAcid::RepeatFactory.new(
RubyOnAcid::SineFactory.new(random_factory.within(:increment, -0.1, 0.1)),
random_factory.get(:interval, :min => 2, :max => 100)
#A CombinationFactory combines the values of two or more other factories.
combination_factory = RubyOnAcid::CombinationFactory.new
2.times do
combination_factory.source_factories << source_factories[rand(source_factories.length)]
source_factories << combination_factory
#The MetaFactory pulls requested value types from the other factories.
meta_factory = RubyOnAcid::MetaFactory.new
meta_factory.factory_pool = source_factories
Processing::SKETCH_PATH = ""
Sketch.new :title => "Ruby On Acid", :width => 800, :height => 600, :full_screen => false
jay@dandelion:~/Projects/ruby-processing $ sudo jruby -S gem install ruby-processing jay@dandelion:~/Projects/ruby-processing $ sudo jruby -S gem install rubyonacid jay@dandelion:~/Projects/ruby-processing $ jruby acid_sketch.rbRead more...